Important announcement: Each summer the team makes a few updates to the Enlightium Parents app. The first major update is in the grade-level groups! You have been automatically moved to the next grade level group in the app; for example, if you were in the 7th-grade group last school year, you are now in the 8th-grade group ahead of the upcoming school year. If you are not in a grade-level group or need to change groups, you can make the change yourself by searching for the correct group using the search bar. The second major update is the removal of the Town Square Group. Instead, if you have any questions or concerns that you would like to post about, please plan to do it in the group most related to your question, such as the 10th-grade group if you have a question about transcripts or the Texas group if you have questions concerning state regulations. The third major update is that several groups have been merged into one group: Enlightium Articles. You can join this group if you would like your app feed to include resources and recommendations ranging from creating a learning environment in your home to how to help your students grow academically, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially.

Posted by Michael Brooks at 2023-07-04 16:43:39 UTC