Below you will find the schedule for the next two weeks: Now: The Parent Orientation should be assigned in Ignitia. Please plan to complete it by the first day of school. You can find your login credentials in your email.* A few days before school begins: The Student Orientations should be assigned in Ignitia. Please plan to complete them by the first day of school.* Monday, August 22: Primary and Elementary School Open House; to RSVP go the app menu, "Events", and find the event to register. A recording will be made available in the app. Tuesday, August 23: Middle and High School Open House; to RSVP go the app menu, "Events", and find the event to register. A recording will be made available in the app. Wednesday, August 24: The first official day of school! If your student starts courses after the first day of school, they should still be able to complete all assignments by the courses' end dates. *If you do not see the credentials, please send me a direct message.

Posted by Michael Brooks at 2022-08-15 19:58:39 UTC