As many of you are aware, this week's Ignitia schedule was unintentionally reset, affecting your students' due dates. While it brought joy to the students who were behind (even though the amount of work has not changed), those who were ahead were understandably frustrated. Our administration team would like to apologize to each student for this issue. Now, as your students submit their assignments, you should find that the due dates are starting to balance out a bit more, especially if your student worked hard to be ahead in their courses. It’s also worth mentioning that your student has the same amount of time to work on assignments as before, as well as the same number of assignments left to complete. If this Ignitia issue is still causing stress, frustration, or concerns for your family, or if you have any lingering questions or concerns in general, please send me a direct message here in the app or at I am glad to say that the cause of this issue was identified and our team is working to ensure it does not happen again. I hope that you have a restful weekend and find next week to be a normal, uneventful week of learning!

Posted by Michael Brooks at 2021-12-03 19:56:12 UTC