Tomorrow is the last day of the second quarter/1st semester! Do students need to have all of their assigned work submitted by tomorrow? Students in the Online Program: Students who are taking one-year courses (such as elementary students’ core courses) typically have until the end of the school year to submit their work*. Students who are taking one-semester courses (such as students taking high-school courses or one-semester electives) typically have until the end of the semester to submit their work*. All students using Ignitia will have a Grace Period, providing them until this Sunday night at 11:59 pm Pacific Time to submit their work. *You can find course end dates in Ignitia by clicking on the “Courses” tab and searching for the “Days Remaining” within each course. Students in the Homeschool Program: Students typically have until the end of the school year to complete all work. Parents need to continue to submit grades in Ignitia to inform the Enlightium team of their students’ grades and progress. Parents will have access to Ignitia during the Grace Period, providing them until this Sunday night at 11:59 pm Pacific Time to submit their student’s grades. Students in the Sapphire Live Program: Sapphire teachers will work with each student to keep them on track to submit their work on time.

Posted by Michael Brooks at 2024-01-18 16:00:27 UTC