Hello, Elementary and Primary school students! I’m Hannah Sartin, your Primary and Elementary Liaison. I want to tell you about an upcoming event, the #TalentShow! God has given each of you a special talent and He wants you to share it with others. Talents may include sporting abilities, artistic abilities, poetry, being able to cook or bake, being able to sew or crochet, working with wood, singing or playing musical instruments, and much more! Don’t feel shy and please share whatever talent you have with us to be a blessing and an inspiration to other students. Please ensure the video is three minutes or less, be sure to wear Enlightium-approved appropriate attire, and use good lighting. You can submit your video until October 29th at 11:59 p.m. PST. To participate in the talent show, click the link below.

Posted by Enlightium Academy at 2023-10-07 14:42:00 UTC